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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) & Neurofeedback:
The Non-Invasive Alternative Intervention

In relation to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Neurofeedback consistently demonstrates that it can address core deficits of a disorder, improving the physical and emotional ability to self-soothe whilst improving the ability to self-regulate sensory input.
Our goal is to improve the quality of life of children on the ASD spectrum by enabling them to perform day-to-day activities of life and to improve their social communication.

Datko, Pineda and Muller (2018) investigated the effects of neurofeedback training on brain function and behaviour in children (aged 8-17), with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and a matched comparison of typically developing children.
​​Children diagnosed with Autism have been characterized as having deficits in socio-communicative abilities. However, this recent study found that following neurofeedback training, ASD participants showed increase activation in the mirror neuron system during imitation and observation tasks.​​
The human mirror neuron system is a vital component in aspects of human social cognition such as ability to comprehend action, understanding intentions and learning through imitation. Thus, the benefits of improved brain activation in the mirror neuron system following neurofeedback therapy can promote behavioural improvements for children with ASD.

Another study by Friedrich and colleagues (2015) showed that Neurofeedback training (NFT) improves the behaviour, cognition and emotion regulation of children with ASD. Following 16 sessions of a game-based NFT with focus on social interactions, ASD participants were able to regulate their mu-rythm - a vital component in motor, affective and cognitive imagery.
Successive Sessions of Neurofeedback
Neurofeedback Therapy for Autism will initially have a calming effect on your child and some of the short-term improvements you may notice, include:
- Increased concentration, focus and attention
- Decreased hyperactivity & impulsivity
- Reduction in emotional outbursts
- Decreased intensity and duration of tantrums / meltdowns
- Increased levels of calmness
- Sleep improvement
Long-term successive sessions have demonstrated:
- More interested and open to social interaction
- Improved social skills
- More tolerance to transitional changes
- Become less distressed by noises
- Increased clarity in speech patterns
- Increased ability to respond better to instructions
- Increased imaginative thought
- Increased generalisation and comprehension cognitive skills

Such changes resulted to significant improvements in brain activity, emotional responsiveness and behaviour in everyday life.
Datko, M., Pineda, J. A., & Muller, R. (2018). Positive effects of neurofeedback on austism symptoms correlate with brain activation during imitation and observation. European Journal of Neuroscience, 47, 579-591. doi: 10.1111/ejn.13551
Friedrich, E., Sivanathan, A., Lim, T., …., Pillen, S., & Pineda, J. (2015). An effective neurofeedback intervention to improve social interactions in children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45(1), 4084-4100